

Dryusdan 0 támogatóval rendelkezik.

Leírás is a service provider that is part of the CHATONS movement (the Collective of Alternative, Transparent, Open, Neutral and Solidarity Hosters). The aim of the CHATONS is to offer different services that can replace the services offered by the GAFAM in order to avoid the centralization and collection of personal data.

The services hosted on are all free and accessible to all. Free means that you can access the source code (the software recipe) of each service provided. You can also contribute to the improvement of the latter by proposing ideas. And if you have the knowledge you can improve the tool. Everything is possible:) Accessible to all means without any discrimination. Another advantage is that you can meet me in Nantes. And yes, you can't ask that to Google's founders;) What services are there?

They are all listed in the page services. You will also have the latest news about these services and DryCat in the blog (fr) page

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