

Philosophy club PHILAGORA

Philagora 6 támogatóval rendelkezik.
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Philosophy club based in Riga, Latvia and operating globally.

Your donations are used exclusively to support and develop the activities of the Philagora Philosophical Club.

!! Your donations are not used to compensate the organizers of the philosophical club !!

Goals of the Philosophical Club

  • To form a flourishing community of thinkers who contribute significantly to the discussion and understanding of philosophy with each other.
  • To create an inspiring environment for philosophical research among participants.
  • To promote the development of skills in logic, critical thinking, and argumentation.
  • To create a platform for reasoned debates and respectful exchange of ideas.

Important Links

Official Philagora Website

To join the Philagora Philosophical Club, simply fill out the new participant form.

The video archive of all the club's lectures and meetings is always available for free on the YouTube channel @philagora.

Official Philagora Telegram Channel with meeting announcements and useful publications.

Official page on Facebook



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