

I make jokes and I draw.

Reptifur 0 támogatóval rendelkezik.


Who'm i am I?

"Young" human being in the midst of depression. I look for what I like to do in life, but what I do most often is draw, and tell bad jokes. I try to develop a cartoon style, and I mostly draw furry in traditional and digital media.

loture caiman

Why did then i get here?

Head full of ideas, limbs full of stress. I have tons of projects and desires to realize, but with the help of Mrs. Depression and her daughter social anxiety, I am constantly under pressure. I've already done some commissions, but I'm having a hard time doing it, because the direct contact with people for money is stressful. :x

Then why am I creating a liberapay account?

Because it seems that people like my work, and maybe want to support me, crazy that they are. The money that you will want to give me here, will essentially be used to feed me, pay my bills, and renew my artistic material (a dry pen makes nice effect, but a pen that works is also good :3). I'm vegan, so your donations won't fund animal exploitation, and that's cool. :D


What? Where? How?

You can find my doodles here :

And sometimes I stream here :

Otherwise I'm complaining a lot on twitter and mastodon (a little bit less on mastodon :þ).


Összekapcsolt fiókok

Reptifur a következő fiókokkal rendelkezik más platformokon:


Reptifur 6 évvel ezelőtt csatlakozott.

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Heti támogatók száma

Ez az oldal gépi fordítású szöveget tartalmaz, amelyet még nem vizsgáltak felül, emiatt pontatlan lehet. Itt tud hozzájárulni.