
Leonardo dos Santos


ladsantos heti célja 4,00 USD bevétel.
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You can chip in any amount to fund

Maintaining this website and blog currently has a cost of $20 per year for the custom domain. In the future, I want to implement an ad-free experience for the blog's comments section, which would be an addition of $108 per year. A custom email domain would increase the yearly costs by approximately $72 per year. Any amount you chip in will go to fund this initiative.

Donations can also be used to fund my research (travels, equipment, software) and professional development (mainly through paid courses). Donating also signals that you are interested in the content I produce here.

Összekapcsolt fiókok

ladsantos a következő fiókokkal rendelkezik más platformokon:


sunburn Csillagok 0 Frissítve 2 évvel ezelőtt

Data analysis of HST far-UV spectra

onza Csillagok 0 Frissítve 7 évvel ezelőtt

Transiting exospheres

radial Csillagok 0 Frissítve 7 évvel ezelőtt

A pure Python code for working with radial velocities of stars with a massive companion.

PoWeRS Csillagok 3 Frissítve 7 évvel ezelőtt

Python wrapper for MOOG synth

ESO_unpack Csillagok 0 Frissítve 9 évvel ezelőtt

Did you just download dozens of GBs of data from ESO's archive? This script can help you unpack the data. (származtatás) Csillagok 0 Frissítve 8 hónappal ezelőtt

Jekyll website


ladsantos 4 évvel ezelőtt csatlakozott.

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