
Sean Hagstrom

I'm a creative engineer who designs and programs software

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  • I’ve been working professionally as an app developer on the web for over nine years. Along the way, I’ve been a part of building and shipping mobile and desktop apps, as well as server infrastructure and devops.

  • Recently, I graduated from Goldsmiths University of London as a master’s student in Virtual Reality. In my studies, I was expanding my skill-set into the 3D world of modeling, animation, and game engines.

  • Currently, I’m building tools for thought at Nette and exploring new mediums for research, digital gardening, and exploratory AI.

  • Moving forward, I’ll be pursuing my passion for understanding and documenting the creative and technical process of making wonderful things.

  • In general, I’m always seeking opportunities to contribute to fascinating ideas and collaborate with delightful people.

Összekapcsolt fiókok

seanstrom a következő fiókokkal rendelkezik más platformokon:


cljs-dev-template Csillagok 1 Frissítve 3 hónappal ezelőtt

dotfiles Csillagok 1 Frissítve 4 hónappal ezelőtt

💻 My dot files shared between machines.

elm-capacitor-experiment Csillagok 4 Frissítve 1 évvel ezelőtt

Elm with Ionic Framework and Capacitor to build an IOS app

Totodoro Csillagok 1 Frissítve 2 évvel ezelőtt

elm-happydom-deno-experiment Csillagok 1 Frissítve 2 évvel ezelőtt


seanstrom 9 hónappal ezelőtt csatlakozott.

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